Driving in Cyprus is easy. We drive on the left side of the road and overtake on the right. Everyone is required to wear a seat belt (never heard of getting a fine if you are on a back seat with no belt). Children under 5 can’t sit in the front sit.
You are not allowed to eat and drink while driving.
You can have a drink and drive without a penalty if the level of alcohol in the blood is a maximum of 0.049%.
I will begin by adding here a “driving guide” for Cyprus. It is a funny one, and will explain to you some of the things the locals will do while in traffic. I think it will help you understand better how we drive here on the island.
How to avoid radar when driving in Cyprus
First, you should know that we have everything here. We have fixed cameras in the big cities, we have radar cars that are located everywhere and where you least expect it, and we also have police officers with “guns” waiting for you on the highway and on the streets of the cities and villages.
Fixed cameras are pre-signaled, and be careful at the traffic lights where they are installed, not to step on the stop line. The fine is 300 euros for this, for example.
Radars on cars are pre-signaled only in settlements. Not on the highway, therefore if you see a car parked in the safety lane, do not exceed the legal speed of 100 km/h.
🚩 You can check out the list of fixed traffic camera here 👉 CyCameraSystem.com.cy
What happens if you get caught drink driving in Cyprus?
The police will carry out random breath tests, and persons suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol (0.05% / 50mg per 100ml and over) may be subjected to a blood test.
Driving while over the limit can mean a significant fine, of €100 upwards.
Alcohol fines
* Exhalation alcohol ratio 22-35mg / 100ml: €125 fine and 1-3 penalty points
* Exhalation alcohol ratio 36-55mg / 100ml: €250 fine and 3-6 penalty points
* Exhalation alcohol ratio 56-70mg / 100ml: €500 fine and 4-8 penalty points
Drugs while driving in Cyprus
Combination of both alcohol and drugs, you go straight to court.
List and Value of traffic fines in Cyprus
📌 Seat belt – €150
📌 Helmet – €200
📌 Phone in hand – €150
📌 Other objects in hand – €85
📌 No insurance – €200
📌 No MOT – €300
📌 Parking in disabled spaces – €300
📌 Failure to comply with traffic lights – €300
Fines that exist in Cyprus but never heard of being applied:
Overtaking in continuous line, on the intersections, on curved bridges, on top of climb or on approaching an oncoming vehicle.
It is €150.
And this is how they calculate the fines for speeding:
Speeding limit up to 30%: € 2 / km fine and 1-3 Penalty Points
Exceeding the speed limit up to 50%: € 3 / km fine and 2-4 Penalty Points
Speeding limit up to 75%: € 5 / km fine and 3–6 Penalty Points
Check out the full list HERE
How to check if you have any traffic fines in Cyprus?
Acces CyCameraSystem.com.cy using the vehicle registration and identification numbers. Here you will find out if you have any fines to pay.
How you can pay your fine
If you have rented a car in Cyprus and you get a fine you will contacted by the car rental company to ask you to pay the fine.
In this case, all you have to do is make an JCC account, then look for the traffic fine section and add your details there.
Remember that when adding the car’s number you are not allowed to use space. For example: ABC123.
If it happen to receive a parking ticket from one of the municipalities, you can pay it the same way. Look for the city/village name on JCC and you should be able to pay your fine.
What happens if you don’t pay a fine in Cyprus?
The fine must be paid within 15 days. If the fine is overdue, the amount will be doubled. If the fine is not paid within 30 days after the date of the notice, the penalty will be determined by the court.
In the end, don’t forget that driving in Cyprus can be a pleasure, the road have plenty of signs and if you think you’re lost then just follow the sea and you will find your way.
If you plan in driving in the mountains, then we will welcome you with roads in good condition.
🚩 And if, by any chance, you end up in an accident, DO NOT MOVE the car and call the company from where you rented it.
That being said, I wish you all good roads and lots of fun!
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