68 years was the oldest person to get to the independent level of kitesurfing in Cyprus. That means there is still hope for me also. But I bet there are many of you out there that can do it sooner and much faster than me.
And I was thinking of helping you with some info about doing it in the winter months, because, why not, this is possible in Cyprus. It might be tricky and there is a chance that instead of spending your day in the water you will visit the mountains. Either way I am sure you will make nice memories.
Who can help you start practicing this extreme sport?
I like to believe that Cyprus has the best Mediterranean waters, summer and winter. We also have places where the wind is just perfect to learn and to practice kitesurfing. And one of these is called Kiti Softades Beach, Larnaca.
And the name of the guy ”responsible” for the existence of this place where you can learn and practice extreme sports is Panayiotis Kounnides, from Kitemed.
I believe that for 20 years he is living the dream and I am sure that he can help any of you get your dream also.
What you need to know about kitesurf in the winter
Kitemed is open all year around and you can book your lessons anytime you want. It can be a little bit tricky in the winter because of the rough sea or because the wind will determine that you need to take a break.
👉”We are generally available but the weather is the big issue. Normally we know what is going to happen 2-3 days prior but then again things might change and wind and weather might be different than forecasted”, says Panayiotis.
If you are lucky and it is a gentle winter, like those we’ve had in the last years, a 10 days holiday in Cyprus should do the trick to transform you into an independent kitesurfer.
If you were wondering how many lessons you need to ride the waters, here is your answer:
👉”A beginners course is 7 hrs of private lessons. Each session is 2 hrs long and we can do 2 sessions per day per student”. – Panayiotis Kounnides.
At this point, prices are the same, summer and winter. So you will need €350 for 7 hours private beginner course.
You only have to book and show up. The rest it will be provided.
Is it easy to learn kitesurfing?
If you have some experience with a surfboard, or even if you have ever practiced SUP, then you have some advantage compared to those of us who haven’t. But even so, I believe you have to be ready to discover some muscles you didn’t know you had and to become friends with the wind.
In the end, the freedom you will get practicing this sport is worth all the effort.
Plus, if you try hard enough, you can get your IKO certificate pretty fast, even on a 10 day holiday.
When is the best time to learn
Cyprus is famous for his sunny days. The statistics say we have between 300 and 340 days with sun on this subtropical Mediterranean island.
Winters are gentle, and temperatures usually rarely drop under 10 degrees day time at the shore. Sea water has around 16-17 degrees at its lowest. And there are many locals who swim all year around.
The best time for kitesurfing is, of course in the summer months, from April till October. But I think you should give winter a chance also.
Top 5 Spots to Learn Kitesurfing in Europe
1. Tarifa, Spain
2. Fuerteventura, Spain
3. Pounda – Paros, Greece
4. Sardinia, Italya
5. Kos, Greece
Some of the best place in the world for Kitesurfing
1. Brazil – Cumbuco
2. Mexico – La Ventana
3. Peru – Paracas
4. Spain – The Canary Islands
5. Morocco – Dakhla
6. Phillippines – Borocay
7. Australia – Melbourne
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